I can facilitate workshops with postgraduate and undergraduate students as well as community groups, early career artists, schools and young people. Some examples of the type of workshops I can run are:
Devising Political Theatre
Making Theatre Sustainably
Theatre and Activism
Collaborative theatre-making
Launching a Theatre Company and Self Producing
If you have a specific idea for a workshop or project do get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.
So you have a huge political idea that you want to make a play about. Something that really pisses you off - where do you start?
I share my process of devising from a political, social or environmental issue - going big then honing in, finding your core question and building a narrative.
We all need to adopt a sustainable practice when making new work as much as possible, but what does it really mean? How do you do it on a budget? How do you avoid last minute amazon purchases? What values should we foster in the rehearsal process? I'm learning more with each project I make so by no means have all the answers but can share my process as we work it out together. Read this article I wrote for Staging Change for more info on sustainable producing.
How can theatre be a tool of activism? We'll explore how to engage grassroots campaigns and collaborate to make work for social change.
All creatives have an equal voice in the process, working together to devise a play. I share my process of co-creating work with artists who each have distinct roles within a non-hierarchal structure. This can look at: how to find collaborators, tools for devising and tips for switching hats, letting go and actually making decisions.
You want to make your own work. You have ideas, but need some money and support to make them happen. I launched ShyBairn in 2019 and I've previously self-produced fringe theatre shows across London and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I can share tips on producing your own work, applying for funding (Art's Council Project Grants), fundraising, applying for commissions, forming relationships with venues and getting your name out there.